Trump didnt cause decrease in illegal immigration crossings.

Since Trump was elected, illegal border crossings are down, and many say its because of Trump. The only problem with that idea is that Trump didnt change any laws. The only change is that we are no longer ignoring millions of foreigners breaking our laws right in front of our faces. Do we expect the President to enforce our laws? Does democracy matter? Do our laws matter? Which other laws can we ignore? Even foreigners can walk in and ignore our laws? Are we mad? Democracy means we use a representative govt to establish the laws. If you dont like the laws then you get them changed through “Democracy”. Liberals chant “Democracy” all day but ignore it when it doesnt suit their brainwashed minds. Then they rally and pretend Democracy means mob-rule. Of course the President must enforce our laws, when citizens break them, and especially when foreigners break them. So the drop in illegal immigration is not because of Trump. The drop is because liberal policies, offers of free healthcare, welfare, food stamps, schooling, college, and outward vocal encouragement of illegal immigration, have led to such a high level of illegal immigration, that as soon as a responsible President takes over the drop to normal levels is inevitable. Millions of illegals would never have entered if it wasnt for the outward advocation of illegal immigration. Liberals created the problem, and fight every day to make it worse. We not know who is in the country. 100 ISIS? 1000? How many Al-queda cells? Cartel gang members? Thanks to liberalism, we CANT know. The lack of immigration law enforcement has led to the boom of black industries like trafficking, faked ids, illegal paperwork to get illegal jobs or undeserved entitlements from govt, marriage mills for citizenship, and huge communities living in the shadows being criminalized because they wont call police… because for some reason they felt comfortable taking their family illegally into a foreign country and/or raising a family in a country they are residing in illegally. Liberalism is the cause. If they would just support enforcing our laws we would have no illegals, and then we could work on increasing levels of LEGAL immigration in a controlled secure LAWFUL manner that respects the law. Democrats literally advocate that foreigners should be able to ignore our laws. Foreigners!? What citizen is going to have respect for law when they see leaders advocating that foreigners can break them?! Liberals have no respect for “Democracy”. To them its just a word they use to BS people, and themselves. Meanwhile all the illegals are all peaceful loving angels wanting to contribute, and anyone opposed to foreigners openly breaking our laws, in our faces, is a white racist. You cant be a liberal unless you are emotionally brainwashed. It blinds you thru emotion. Run to the light. Thanks for reading. Come back soon.

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